About Us


For over 10 years, the KicksSwapper team has been immersed in the sneaker culture. Since the beginning, our team saw the value of getting the most coveted pairs of limited edition sneakers by any means possible. Traveling hundreds of miles to specific boutiques, waiting hours in the cold, & waiting up until 5am to grab a pair online have been all part of the routine.

In 2008, members our team were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to participate on the other end of the deal. With over 6 years of sneaker retail experience, our team has seen what the culture is like from both ends of the spectrum.


As the demand for limited edition sneakers grew, so was the difficulty to obtain your pair, specifically in your size. Connoisseurs and collectors have been forced to sell their coveted pairs to make the money to re-purchase their size at inflated prices, or scavenge blogs for people willing to trade. All with the risk of running into fakes & scams.

KicksSwapper truly solves this problem. This is the most effective, time saving, worry-free destination to trade your pair of sneakers for your size. KicksSwapper’s main motive is to keep the integrity of the culture and the brands you love. Our free authentication service during each swap ensure you a fair marketplace and real products worry-free.

Creating a safe marketplace by keeping users anonymous to each other, keeping a professional and clean aesthetic, and expanding each user’s reach outside of their small cities makes KicksSwapper the industry-leading destination for Sneakers.

Just Swap It!

@KicksSwappwer | #JustSwapIt #KicksSwapper